A new journey.

A new journey.

As she looked out of the window, moving past the serene beauty, she realised that she's doing the very thing she didn't like in childhood. She was a paradox in her own way. She loved being social. She enjoyed people's company. She waited for get togethers. For fun times. She was life of any party she'd attend. But if she had to travel for them. No. She wouldn't. She loved meeting new people. Knowing new traditions. Learning new things. But not traveling for them. But when she's in a journey there wouldn't be a doubt if she enjoyed. She savoured every bit of her life. She enjoyed every second of her journey. But she'd be sulking at the thought of a journey to reach a destination. It'd be the hardest decision of her life. One part, no, two thirds of her would love to go for the things she looked forward to, but the other part would be gloomy at the idea of the journey. Which part of the journey she didn't like, she never knew. Not even now. Because she'd enjoy everything during the journey. Maybe I'm being stupid, she'd think. But she was anything but stupid.

Now she's in a journey to a destination, which, had it been few days back would've been someone else's choice, but now, it's her own choice. Her own rules. No sulking about the journey. She's liking it. They say that the journey is always beautiful than the destination. She always believed it in both, the wider sense and the literal sense. She had a hunch that in this journey she'd find something she's looking for, what , she didn't know, but she knew for sure, that A NEW JOURNEY wouldn't be a bad idea. If her intuition is right, she'd win something. Even if it's not, there's no much damage, for she's keen on being optimistic.

Yes. A new journey, that'd take her ahead.


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