A new coin.

A new coin.

One of the phrases that she often heard is there are always two sides of a coin. Two sides of a situation. Two sides of a truth. Two sides of a point. She was always in favour of the phrase. She always used it. She always tried to implement it. She tried to put it into practice. But very soon she realised another thing. It is always easier said than done.

As she grew older, she realised, that at once, one can only look at one side of a coin. Not that it is an excuse she took to when she couldn't look at the other side, but to look at the other side of the coin, one should put in efforts. Efforts like keeping their calm demeanour in a complex situation. Efforts like not losing trust in times of tests. Efforts like having faith bigger than fear. Efforts like listening to others opinion without prejudice. Efforts like understanding their point of view at a point when one can't even stand them. She was quick to realise that these efforts are not at all simple. But she worked for it. She tried for it. She always wanted to know the other side before she takes a decision. But she's a human. And to err is human. A human tendency. She's a mere mortal. It wasn't in her hands. She ain't a saint. She couldn't take anymore at times.

But when looked from a height, when looked from a wider view, she succeeded. She succeeded when she was ready to apologize for her prejudices. She succeeded when she was guilty for being judgemental. She succeeded when she looked into the eyes of her fear and said that she still had faith. She succeeded when, even failures showed her a positive result. She succeeded when she finally looked at the second side of the coin after a long time she decided that there wasn't any other side. She succeeded when she accepted that change. And now, she's ready to succeed again with A NEW COIN in her hands. A coin that would always remind her not to judge a name without knowing it's story. A coin that she carried from her yesterday for her future.

Yes. A new coin, that'd take her ahead.


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