
What is a poem?
Is all I can think about.
How do I write it?
Is all I can wonder of.
From the moment
I’ve read yours,
From the moment
I laid my eyes on your words,
I believe in magic,
I believe in the power of words.
They told me that,
A poem has to have it's words
A poem has to sound like a clock with it’s
They told me that,
A poem has to have
Metaphors and analogies.
When life itself is a metaphor,
What else can I write?
Your poem,
Questioned all that they told
Right from it’s header.
Your words had a flow,
But they didn’t rhyme.
Your words were a clock,
Which didn’t chime.
And yet,
Yet they decided to call it poem,
And I realized,
The words need not rhyme,
When their sentiments did.
The clock need not chime,
Since each second ticked.

You taught me,
Metaphors and analogies
Are by themselves a poem,
A poem pulls them all in,
By itself.
You explained me that,
Poem is not an arrangement
Of words,
But it is the words itself,
With a sense and wisdom.
All I can think of,
Is what if,
What if I never read your poem?
What if I never realized this?
What if I never fell in love with words?
But you taught me,
Life is all about
Love and


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