I remember..
I remember looking at her when she used to play as a child. I remember her promises to always be happy. I remember her smile. I remember her eyes. I was always her favorite. She'd spend hours together with me sometimes. She loved me. She never told me, but I knew. Because she'd sit crying sometimes, in front of me. And I remember her promising to herself that it'd be the last time she is crying for that reason. I remember her breaking those promises and then reprimanding herself for it.
I remember the feeling I got everyday when I saw her. No one else could make me feel so. The glint of happiness in her eyes made me happy and I reflected her happiness back. It's ironic. When she'd cry, I'd only wish to make her happy, but again I'd reflect her sadness back. Maybe it was because she was my emotion. Her mood decided me.
I remember her nervousness when she had a presentation. She'd ask me to listen carefully and look at me, straight. Directly. I'd obey. She'd smile her perfect smile at me. I used to smile back. Her nervousness would be lost. I remember her coming to me, smiling brightly, before she went anywhere. I remember seeing her for the last time. I remember being fascinated by her. She looked breathtaking. Beautiful than ever. Back then, I didn't know that it'd be the last time I'm seeing her.
I remember waiting for her to come home.. smile at me and share how her day was. I remember waiting to see her beautiful smile again. But she didn't return. I remember her family coming home, smiling through tears. I remember them speaking that their princess is married.
And, today her family just like before, comes near me, daily, and goes away. But not her. I hear her voice sometimes and have a glance of her few times.. but it's not like before. But I'll always remember that today I saw a pretty little girl who just smiles like her mother, who inherited her mother's beautiful hazel eyes. And I realize, it wasn't the last time I saw her. I'll see her, less than before, but I'll see her.
By the way, my name is Mirror.
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