When I met him...


From the time he is seen.....
I forgot where I have been...........

Oh my god.......
He is just like Greek god.........

It took me time to come back to the earth........
Is it for him did I take my birth......

Time became too slow.....
Wind started to blow....

I still don't know.....
Why I am feeling like a dove.......

He is so near....
I started having fear......

Something of his fell......
And I am unable to tell.....

My voice cheated me.....
May be it got defeated by him....

He just bent ......
I smelled his scent......

Oh! It is awesome......
I would like to have some.....

I felt like ice.....
I just closed my eyes.....

Absorbing the moment.....
Without any movement.....

I opened my eyes just like a new born fawn......
Just to see that he is gone.....

I felt like a stupid......
Why did the Cupid.....

Did not think what I will feel........
And left him ....Is there any deal......

I came out of my thoughts........
And saw what I have bought......

And what in the list to be bought are left.....
I turned to my left.....

When I felt someone calling......
But I found myself falling.......

I got scared.....
To open my eyes I had not dared......

Someone caught me........
As if he bought me.....

With love and care.......
Why did he dare........

He too might have slipped.........
If not at least tripped.........

I opened my eyes to see.....
The person who saved me.......

Oh my god......
The same Greek god......

Yes it's he......
Now with me...........

He placed me on earth with care.......
It was too much for me to bear........

His touch.....
Don't ask me what did it fetch.........

I had an all new sensation.......
I can't resist this temptation.......

Something in my stomach is tickling......
What is that in me is flickering.........

He gave me a lopsided smile.....
For which I would travel more than a mile.......

His eyes in the colour of Brown chocolate..........
Why was I in observing them too late...........

I even forgot to smile back.........
May be he was taken aback..........

By my expressionless face........
And with great pace.......

I came back to earth.....
With fear to lose the reason of my birth........

I smiled back to him.........
Suppressing my urge to feel him......

He turned to leave.......
And please do believe........

I shouted on top of my voice.......
Hopefully it was not like a noise.....

Thank you.......
He replied bye.....see you.......

When and where I asked rather foolishly.....
Whenever and wherever you want he said smiling sheepishly.......

I was unable to stop myself smiling at his reply......
I was happy enough to feel I am going to fly......

He waved to me and went away......
Into the crowd he made his way.....

I went to home depressed......
As I reached....my mom said to get dressed.....

I asked why.......
My mom said you should not cry......

What happened......
It's going to happen.......

She continued.....your marriage......
Mom but my age.....

Your dad fixed it......
And don't miss it.......

The groom is the best.....
I can say it without any test.....

But mom right now I am all in mess.....
C'mon don't make any fuss.........

Okay.......atleast meet him.....
And if I don't like him........

I will speak to your dad.......
And I am sure he will be mad......

But for you I Will........
Thank you.....I knew you will.......

But you will have to meet him first.........
Or else with anger dad will burst.......

Stop this nonsense and get ready fast......
First I will eat breakfast.......

Anyway why were you so late........
I went back to the reason why I was late......

Nothing....I was just late myself.......
It was just a passing cloud I assured myself.......

Okay get ready fast....
With him you will have your breakfast.......

Okay I went having nothing to argue......
But my mind and heart did not stop to argue.......

One to marry and other to wait.......
One saying he is right and other he isn't my mate......

I got ready and went out......
My mom said he is waiting out......

I went out to see........
The person waiting for me......

He was standing there showing his back......
As he turned I was taken aback........

I saw someone with these nose and eyes......
I tried to recollect as he blinked his eyes.......

His eyes were resembling HIS eyes.........
But not as deep as his to get mesmerized..........

His features......
Met with the most handsome creature.........

But my heart knew he is not the one.......
And this time my heart won.......

I went towards him.....
With the feeling of going away from myself..........

He stared straight forwardly.......
 Hi.......Do you love......
I replied rudely What do you want now... 

He said That’s so rude....
I replied I am like this only dude...

He first gasped at me...
But then started smirking at me...

Did you think I am the groom...
Of course...You look so well groomed... 

But unfortunately...
Wait did he just say unfortunately...

Are you listening...
And please no glycerin...

I know that people cry for me...
But hope you are not the one who die for me...

No...I snapped at him...
And I just observed he is so thin...

My brother is waiting for you in the car...
My heart pounded with these words...even if he was far...

I felt it so right...
And without any fight...

I agreed to meet his brother...
Why is it making my heart bother...

And I opened the car door...
Along with it unknowingly my heart door...

Oh My God!! It’s him again...
And this time too is he going to leave me in pain...

 I said to HIM You knew it from before...
He nodded and I continued...And What more...

He started...
And my heart started...

To beat again...

I understood Cupid played a game...


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